Hi! 😊
My name is Saron Solomon Gebre.
I enjoy programming and learning something new everyday!

Saron Gebre wearing a gray sweater and black pants, standing while elegantly holding books in her arms.


I was born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where I lived with my parents, two older sisters, and a few other relatives. After completing high school, I made the decision to pursue my passion for Computer Science by embarking on an undergraduate degree in the United States at Wayne State College. This transformative journey allowed me to immerse myself in a new cultural and educational environment, shaping my perspective and enhancing my skills in the field of technology.


I graduated from Wayne State College with high honors, earning a degree in Computer Science alongside a minor in Mobile and Website Design and Development. I achieved a 4.0/4.0 GPA and received the summa cum laude medal. During my academic journey, I engaged in Machine Learning research, contributing to two research papers and completing a notable ML project. I earned a nomination and became a member of the prestigious PHI KAPPA PHI honor society, recognizing the top 10% of senior graduating students with exceptional academic scores. Additional details about my honorary memberships and accomplishments are available on my resume and LinkedIn profile.


I find joy in programming and dedicating my leisure time to personal projects that allow me to explore and expand my skills. I have a genuine passion for continuous growth, be it personally, spiritually, academically, or professionally. Exploring new cultures and cuisines through travel is a particular delight. Having visited sixteen states, I aspire to journey to every continent and country, further broadening my global perspectives. Beyond my personal pursuits, spending quality time with family and friends holds immense importance to me. I believe in giving back to my family and community through acts of kindness, volunteering, and contributing through donations. These endeavors bring fulfillment and a sense of purpose to my life.

Future goals and aspirations

I aim to further my educational journey by applying for graduate studies in Machine Learning. My vision extends beyond academic pursuits—I aspire to become an influential figure making a positive difference in people's lives within my community and globally through the transformative power of technology. In addition to my passion for technology, I am eager to develop my knowledge and skills in business, trade, and industry. This multifaceted approach aligns with my goal to contribute meaningfully across diverse domains. Ultimately, my aspirations include giving back to my family and community in various impactful ways. Through continuous learning and intentional efforts, I strive to make a meaningful and lasting contribution to the well-being of those around me.

Visual Studio logo.
Vscode logo.
SQL logo.
PostgreSQL logo.
mySQL logo.
Eclipse logo.
Azure logo.
Slack logo.
Atom logo.
Zoom logo.
Microsoft Office logo.
RabbitMQ logo.
HTML logo.
CSS logo.
Blender logo.
Figma logo.
Invision logo.
Sketch logo.
After Effects logo.
Java logo.
C programming language logo.
Visual Basics logo.
C# logo.
Python logo.
JavaScript logo.
Three.js logo.
React.js logo.
Drupal logo.
PHP logo.
Wordpress logo.
Saron Gebre at the 2018 Technovation Ethiopia competition, standing in front of the competition's poster board.

Chief Executive Officer and programmer for my team "Page-2018" at the 2018 Technovation App Dev competition. Developed an application called Aripilla and ranked 4th out of 20 teams Read More

Saron Gebre in front of the Ethiopian flag pole, adorned in her graduation gown and scout scarf. In the background, her fellow scout sisters and brothers join her in the momentous occasion.

Founder and Scout troop leader for my elemntary and high school Scout Association from 2011 - 2018. Managed Magic Carpet School social media pages Read More

Saron Gebre at the Wayne State College club fair, standing by the ACM club's desk with other ACM officers.

Chairman of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Chapter from 2020 - 2022
Read More

Saron Gebre standing with other ASA (African Students Association) club members, making a presentation about Ethiopia.

Treasurer and Co-founder of the African Student Association Club 2021 Read More

Saron Gebre in her scout uniform, standing alongside two other scouts from Ethiopia and Scotland.

Public Affairs Officer for the Addis Ababa Scout Council 2018 - 2019. Managed Addis Ababa’s Scout Council’s social media pages
Read More

Saron Gebre at the 2017 National Jamboree, accompanied by a group of international scout representatives.

Nominated to participate at the 2017 Boy Scouts of America (BSA) National Jamboree as 1 of 15 student body representatives from Ethiopia Read More

Project type

C# logo

I successfully completed a C++ programmimg langauge course during my first year of college as a computer science student. Acquiring proficiency in C++ has laid a solid foundation, enabling me to swiftly grasp the fundamentals when learning other programming languages. This foundational knowledge has proven instrumental in my ability to adapt to new languages with efficiency and ease. You can find some of the projects I worked on in C++ on GitHub .

Java logo

During my first and second years of college, delving into Java and Java with data structures significantly enhanced my ability to create robust code solutions. This knowledge not only empowered me to write efficient and well-organized code but also facilitated convenient storage, access, and manipulation of data. The combination of Java and data structures has proven instrumental in my approach to problem-solving and software development. Some of the Java project I worked on can be found on GitHub

WebGL logo

WebGL(Web Graphics Library) is a JavaScript API for rendering 3D models on websites. I took a lesson in WebGL programming during my Computer Graphics course. Additionally, I independently learned about WebGL and worked on specific projects, which can be found on my GitHub

Drupal logo

At the University of Nebraska Lincoln, I have been actively involved in web development and management using the Drupal CMS since 2023. My responsibilities include developing web pages and creating custom software packages and modules in PHP, JS, HTML, Twig, and CSS. For a closer look at the Drupal project I have been working on, you can find it on GitHub "

React logo

I find joy in working with React. During my Computer Graphics course in college, I took lessons in React to enhance my skills. Additionally, I independently pursued online courses and earned a LinkedIn training certification to further strengthen my proficiency in React. I developed a React project named 'Math Learning App,' designed to offer a diverse range of math questions and educational resources tailored to different age groups. This initiative reflects my commitment to creating engaging and educational experiences through technology. You can explore the project on GitHub

React logo

For a class project, I envisioned and spearheaded the creation of a React project named 'Game Store.' Collaborating with three other dedicated members, we collectively devoted ourselves to crafting an online shopping site specifically designed to showcase and sell video games. The inspiration for this initiative originated from my profound passion for both gaming and web development. Game Store Project

React logo

I also contributed to another React project named Furby Help Desk Center, where our objective was to portray a customer service website. This project provided me with an opportunity to apply my React skills in a practical setting, contributing to an enhanced understanding of web development. The project can be found on GitHub .

HTML, CSS, and Javascript logos

Designed and created a Gaming Store website. View project on Github.

HTML, CSS, and Javascript logos

Designed a created a website called Healing Arts for the Healing Arts Program UNMC. View website

HTML, CSS, and Javascript logos

Designed a created my portfolio website from scratch (no template use), using HTML, CSS, and JS. view website

Figma logo

I conceptualized and designed a Gaming Store web prototype. You can view the first draft design on Figma This project allowed me to explore user interface concepts and enhance my skills in web design.

Figma logo

I conceptualized and designed a Gaming Store web prototype. You can view the final design on Figma This project allowed me to explore user interface concepts and enhance my skills in web design.

Figma and Invision logos

I developed a mobile app design for the Wayne Community Housing Development as part of a college project. You can view the design on Figma and explore the interactive design on InVision This project provided me with valuable experience in user interface design and interaction.

Figma and Invision logo

While working at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, I took designed the Healing Arts website using Figma. This project allowed me to contribute to the online presence of the organization and showcase my skills in web design. You can view design on Figma and explore the interactive design on InVision

Figma and Invision logo

While working at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, I took designed the Healing Arts website using Figma. This project allowed me to contribute to the online presence of the organization and showcase my skills in web design. You can view design on Figma and explore the interactive design on InVision

Figma and Invision logo

For a school project, I designed an app prototype centered around an animated character. The app, named 'Tiana's Goals,' serves as a tool to create and track goals, assisting users in setting budgets and monitoring financial expenses. This project not only allowed me to showcase my design skills but also provided a practical solution for goal-setting and financial management. You can view design on Figma and explore the interactive design on Invision

Figma and Invision logo

I designed a mobile app prototype for a housing and roommate finder application. This project involved creating a user-friendly interface and exploring the intricacies of user interactions, contributing to my proficiency in mobile app design. View design on Figma and view interactive mobile design on Invision

Figma logo

Designed a prototype for a Planner mobile app View design on Figma

Figma and Invision logo

IOS prototype for an Exercise App View design on Figma and View interactive app on Invision

Blender logo

Link to access my Blender 3D models is coming soon!

HTML, CSS, and Javascript logos

Took the initiative and created a program in HTML, CSS, and JS that would help automate the process of identifying database objects in code files at UNMC. The project I have worked on is confidential and not publicly viewable.

Saromn Gebre's created app logo

Designed and developed a mobile application called Aripilla to help people find available housing space in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

scikit logo

I've authored two research papers exploring the diverse facets and advancements within the field of Machine Learning. Furthermore, I've developed a student-grade prediction ML model to offer a practical demonstration of its applications, employing popular libraries such as scikit-learn, pandas, numpy, and pytorch. The entire project was implemented using Jupyter as the integrated development environment (IDE). Stay tuned for the upcoming link to access the project and research papers!

A gold pen, envelope, and crystals arranged on a surface.